Saturday, April 3, 2010

We Live Here, Too #4

Jessie, Lynda and Rio at home.

Bob at Smith Rock

Greg in Sawyer Park

It was a gray day here in Central Oregon, but somehow it felt sunny. This morning I headed over to the house of Jessie, Lynda and Rio in Southwest Bend. It was one of those days where the light snow flurries were accompanied by bright sun rays, like faeries defrosting and getting ready for spring. The cold did not stop the photo shoot, though. There was a boat and a bike and a scooter and roller skates and three lovely people who reminded me that one of the greatest ways you can show love for another person is for you to play together. Jessie, Lynda and Rio play together and it is a whole bunch of fun.

Next I headed off to Smith Rock with Bob. We walked around the rim, looking below on the rock climbers that looked like a colony of ants, busy at work fulfilling their duties to the universe. As we walked, Bob told me about his love for the outdoors that started when he was young and how he wanted to keep going until he couldn't, he just loved it. He told me a great story about how he took his wife Priscilla on her first backpacking trip when she was in her 60's. She loved it and they continue to backpack for weeks at time. They get stopped on the trails where they are hiking by younger hikers who are in awe of them. Again, a couple who just spent time together simply enjoying the world around them, themselves and each other.

Greg met me in Sawyer park later in the day. It had gotten quite chilly. The water was high and flowing rapidly, a sign of all the snow and rain and hail we've had lately. Sawyer park is such a wonderful spot and one of Greg's favorites. He told me he loved how, by coming here, he could so quickly be free from being in a city. While Bend is not a big city, I know what he means. It is so quiet in this park and the giant rocks make it feel like a hidden natural castle.

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